Clark-ын хувьд эдийн засгийн өсөлтийг хангах үндсэн хүчин зүйл нь ажиллах хүчний чанар аж. Энэ талаар Tyler Cowen-ы review-д өгүүлсэнээр бол,
"As early as the 19th century, textile factories in the West and in India had essentially the same machinery, and it was not hard to transport the final product. Yet the difference in cultures could be seen on the factory floor. Although Indian labor costs were many times lower, Indian labor was far less efficient at many basic tasks."Мөн түүнчлэн ядуу орнуудыг ирээдүйд хөгжих эсэх талаар нэлээд сонирхолтой тайбар хийжээ,
"The poorer countries remain stuck at the bottom as growing populations mean fewer resources for everyone else. Paradoxically, advances in sanitation and medical care, by saving lives, have driven down well-being for the average person. The population is rising in most of sub-Saharan Africa, but living standards have fallen below hunter-gatherer times and 40 percent below the average British living standard just before the Industrial Revolution. The upshot is this: The problem with foreign aid is not so much corruption but rather that the aid brings some real benefits and enables higher populations."NYTimes дээр гарсан Review-ыг бүтнээр нь эндээс уншаарай. Номны эхний хэсгийг мөн эндээс уншаарай.
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